

Recent course offerings at the University of Miami include:

  • REL 101 Introduction to Religion (team taught)
  • REL 103 One God (team taught)
  • REL 121 Introduction to the New Testament
  • REL 255 Religion and Sports: From Antiquity to the Present (team taught)
  • REL 308 The Greco-Roman Context of Early Christianity
  • REL 322 Paul: Letters and Controversies
  • REL 324 The Bible and Modern Film
  • REL 325/JUS 301 Jesus in Myth and History
  • REL 345/CLA 222/GSS 350 Religion and Gender (Sex in the Ancient World)
  • REL 349 All Roads Lead to Rome (team taught)
  • REL 351 Religious Issues in Death and Dying
  • REL 362 Sanctity of Life: From the Ancient World to the Present (team taught)
  • REL 401 Supervised Independent Study: Theory of Religion (Graduate School Preparation)
  • REL 401 Supervised Independent Study: Cognitive Science and Religion
  • REL 406/AMS 324 Is Star Wars a Religion?

I occasionally teach for other venues, including volunteer teaching and other forms of public outreach. You can also find two teaching series available here via MVP Courses or through Bart Ehrman's website.

Student Testimonials

One of my great joys is helping my students! I'm so grateful to have worked with all of my students at the University of Miami, and I am especially honored to have been a part of the journeys of the student noted here: