Did the Greco-Roman Elite Class Write the Gospels?
My appearance on the History Valley podcast is now available.
Featured in QEP Newsletter: Is Star Wars a Religion?
The University of Miami's Quality Enhancement Plan (QEP)
[https://discussion.miami.edu] has featured one of my courses in their most
recent newsletter. QEP seeks to promote learning through discussion and
dialogue, a
Economic Aspects of Reading
Last June, I participated in a colloquium with Ludwig-Maximilians Universität
[https://robynfaithwalsh.com/latest/upcoming-colloquium/]. This August, working
again with Jan Heilmann, I'm helping to put together an international symposium
at Ludwig-Maximilans Universität:
Myth Vision: Who Wrote the Gospels?
Who wrote the gospels? Check out my latest appearance Myth Vision, AND you can see me transformed into a cartoon.
Manufacturing Religion: From Christian Origins to Classical Islam
I am excited to announce that I'll be part of a webinar on Friday, March 4th, with the University of South Africa.