I’ll be doing my first Reddit "Ask Me Anything." Please join and, you know, ask me anything (although, you might want to stick to the gospels).
I’ve made a few recent appearances on Gnostic Informant and MythVision, covering
a variety of topics! Check out the links below!
MythVision: "Jesus' Empty Tomb is not History"
MythVision: "Was
It was my pleasure to join the estimable Dr. Dennis McDonald for a wide-ranging conversation on the Freethinker Podcast.
I had a lot of fun joining Mythvision and Jonathan Sheffield for a “debate” (more of a friendly chat!) about the authors of the gospels.
I'll be appearing on MythVision again to discuss, with Jonathan Sheffield
[https://twitter.com/jonathansheff10], the authorship of the Gospels. If you'd
like to tune in, our debate will occur live on MythVision's