Media (Public Articles & Appearances)

Public Media Pieces

The Origins of the Gospels,” Biblical Archaeology Review 48.3 (Fall 2022), 62-63.

Ancient Jew Review Conversations Profaning Paul,” with Cavan Concannon in Ancient Jew Review, February 2, 2022.

A Jesus Before Paul? Response to Dr. Willi Braun on Methods in Christian Origins,” Religious Studies Project, September 2021.

Notes on a Text -or- The Signal-Man,” Urbs and Polis, September 2021.

Why Aren’t More Doctors Talking About the COVID Vaccine and Our Periods,” The Daily Beast, June 2021.

The Ancient Romans Had a Strange Way of Dealing with Figures Like Donald Trump,” Slate Magazine, February 2021.

Reza Aslan and the Myth of Information,” The Huffington Post, March 2017.

Learning Curve: Bienvenido a Miami,” invited blog entry for North American Association for the Study of Religion (NAASR) series: “Practicum: Religion, Critical Theory, and Pedagogy: ‘What I Learned at School Today,’” February 2016.

Is Star Warsa Religion?The Huffington Post, February 2016.

Strange Pencils,” Bulletin for the Study of Religion, June 2015.

Select YouTube Appearances & Podcast Interviews

Reading the Bible as Greco-Roman Literature
Podcast Episode · Biblical Time Machine · 2024-08-19 · 1h 3m